The Owners of a small manufacturing company did just that! They started by asking their Health Care/Insurance provider for help. The first step – a mini Health Fair. After some research, and a little planning, the first company Health Fair was launched. Several stations were set up in the office. Employees could get their BMI, Body Mass Index, measured; blood pressure and blood glucose checked, weight and, as an added benefit, flu shots were administered. In addition, information was offered regarding smoking Cessation, weight Loss, chiropractic care, and exercise. The event was held during the work day, and lasted about 3 hours. The cost was minimal; in fact, most was covered by Insurance or donated. Each participant was given their confidential results in a report form. Once the employees received their base line results they had a starting point. They knew the changes they needed to make.
It was not a surprise that one of the health issues facing the group was obesity. Like most of America, they needed to find a way to eat healthier, exercise and lose weight. One of the employees brought saw an article about a weight loss challenge called “Dump Your Plump”, a national program administered by The Ohio Wellness Council. It fits a small for several reasons. The program was easy to follow and administer. Participants were split into two teams; each team had a captain who tracked results. Each participant set weekly exercise and weight loss goals and reported to their team captain. The results were recorded to the Dump Your Plump web site. Results were posted in the company conference room. They held a few meetings throughout the 10 weeks to discuss progress and share ideas. The company provided healthy snacks. Participation, in the 10 week program, was voluntary. Excelsior paid the initial $25 entry fee. If a participant didn’t finish the program, they were asked to pay $25. The outcome of the program was astounding. Of the 14 participants (from a total of 23 employees), everyone reached or exceeded their goals. Total weight loss for the company was 175lbs. More importantly, the group all more aware of maintaining a healthier lifestyle. Ultimately, the results will be lower health care costs. The CDC reports that for every $1 invested in wellness, a company can expect a savings of $3-$6.
To maintain the momentum started in Dump Your Plump, each participant was rewarded with a Movband. Movband is a wrist watch like device that tracks daily activity. The plug in device monitors activity via your PC. The company set up challenges with rewards. Any type of tracking device helps make participants accountable to the program.
The next step is for participants to check their progress against their original results from the Health Fair. That was left up to the individual, although a follow up Health Fair is a good idea.
The company continues the commitment by holding annual Health Fairs. It also has ongoing fitness and weight loss challenges, and have begun periodic “Lunch and Learn” meetings.