Professional Lumber/Pallet marking systems from Excelsior save you time and keep your production process moving! With more than 100 years of marking experience, Excelsior is your “go to” resource for all your lumber/pallet identification needs. As members of the NWPCA and NHLA, we have access to the latest news and information on the regulations and requirements for pallet id. Our Customer Service Representatives work closely with you, and your certifying agency, to develop the most effective identification system based on your unique needs.
An economical solution to lumber marking.
Excelsior offers custom rubber stamps for all Lumber Marking needs. Whether you need self-inking or a traditional stamp and pad. Ask our Customer Service Representatives which option is best for you.
Heavy duty self-inking stamps are used for a multitude of lumber-marking applications: logos, lumber sizes, pallet sizes, and IPPC markings. Self-inking stamps offer the advantages of simplicity, ease of use and durability.
Inks are a critical part of the marking process; you need to have the right accessories. Our refills come in many different sizes and colors. It is important to use the right type of ink for your stamp. Be sure to download and read the Care & Maintenance document and call us with your questions. Inks for porous and non porous surfaces, self-inkers, pre-inked, rubber stamps or special applications.
We recommend that you contact us to discuss the application, method of marking, and drying time to ensure that you are using the suitable product and ink pad.
Branding dies are fully customizable. Leverage our expertise to select the right style and material for your unique application. We offer IPPC heat treat dies, dies for automatic branders, dies for hand held branders, and individual characters and type. Excelsior dies are manufactured in stainless steel or brass…whichever composition is best for your job.
What’s more, our branding dies will save you time and money! Our ‘sharp face’ dies are engineered so that the surface of the design comes to a point which marks your product faster than a traditional surface die. Your branding process becomes more efficient and that helps the bottom line. And for pallet and wood packaging companies, Excelsior branding dies efficiently and effectively mark their products while meeting the requirements of ISPM15.
Always looking to enhance your experience and ease the process, Excelsior has introduced a New Thin Branding Die. The new die will heat faster and allow the user to lower the temperature on their branding head, extending the life of the heating elements. We have been able to lower the temperature as much as 200 degrees on an automatic branding unit.