ID Tags & Nameplates

Excelsior ID tags are custom-made metal tags stamped, laser engraved or printed for permanent identification of property. Applications include machinery, tools, equipment, furniture, fixtures, lockers, and more. ID tags can be consecutively numbered or skip-numbered for special applications or replacement of damaged tags.

Tags and Nameplates are custom manufactured from 18-gauge brass, aluminum or stainless steel with sunken letters and/or numbers in a variety of sizes, shapes and letter coloring. Tags can also made from acrylic and anodized aluminum.

Serial Tins & Department of Transporation Tags

Serial tins, also known as date coders or DOT tins are available in stainless and cold rolled steel. Used in the manufacturing of new and retread tires, these tins are available in various sizes and can be equipped with holes and/or slots as well as being countersunk.

Strip Brand

Serial tins, also known as date coders or DOT tins are available in stainless and cold rolled steel. Used in the manufacturing of new and retread tires, these tins are available in various sizes and can be equipped with holes and/or slots as well as being countersunk.

Write – On Tags

Write-on tags are a unique product from Excelsior; they are a thin metal tag that allows you to use a regular ballpoint pen to “emboss” the metal for a permanent tag that will withstand weather, water, grease and grime. These tags are great for outdoor nurseries, offshore and petrochemical, outdoor metering and certification, tool and die shops, lumber, steel and marine storage and more.

Cremation Tags

Excelsior Crematory tags are made with the highest quality processes and materials. Crematory tags are available for both Human and Pet applications. Don’t be fooled into using our competitor’s brass tags just because of the promise to save you a few cents. During the cremation process, the remains are in the oven for over 2 hours at oven temperatures of between 1600-1800 degrees and sometimes as high as 2100 degrees. Brass has a melting point of 1630 degrees so you run a very high risk of losing your only chance for traceability. Ask yourself what your cost would be if you were unable to properly identify the remains.

At Excelsior Marking, all of the Crematory tags we produce are made out of a high grade Stainless Steel with a melting point of 2790 degrees, well above the temperatures reached during the cremation process. We also engrave our own stamping dies in house, maintaining the high quality you have come to expect from us. Our tags will be as legible after the cremation process as they were at the start.

ID Tags & Nameplates

ID Tags & Nameplates

ID Tags & Nameplates

Serial Tins

Serial Tins

Strip Band

Strip Band

Write-On Tags

Cremation Tags

Cremation Tags

Cremation Tags

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